IDI achieved a success in the technology transfer and training
Release Time:2017-08-03 17:12:22| Times of browsing:


    On June 20, 2017, IDI and American IDSI Company signed a proprietary technology transfer agreement for Computed Tomography Laser Mammography System-CTLM.

    According to the agreement, American IDSI Company will dispatch experts to IDI for 40 -day technology transfer and training of CTLM. The training mainly includes the working principle, installation instruction, commissioning and maintenance of CTLM1020.

    The technology transfer and training achieved a complete success, and after training, three of our engineers are awarded the CTLM service engineer certificate.




Before:Xi'an IDI Laser Image Co., Ltd. and CETC Xiandai Navigation (Xi'an) Technology Co., Ltd. signed the strategic cooperation agreement

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